
The developer team has been holding weekly meetings, primarily to help
coordinate our 2.0 release efforts, for the past few months. The minutes
from yesterday's developer team meeting are available from the list of
developer meetings at 
Our next meeting is January 11, 2011.

Last night, Mike Rylander created two new releases of note:

  *, the latest in the stable Evergreen release series (at

  * 2.0 release candidate 2 (RC2) - the next and hopefully one of the
    last candidate releases before the first official 2.0.0 release (at

The downloads page has not yet been updated, but I will do so shortly.

Also, two public servers running 2.0 RC1 are available to help people
try out and document Evergreen 2.0 - see
http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=community_servers for the
links (and thanks to Brian Feifarek and Jason Etheridge for setting
those up!)

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