One fairly reliable way to check connectivity speed is to go to
Select a city near you and run the test.  It checks download and upload

On Tue, 2011-03-15 at 09:57 -0700, Lori Bowen Ayre wrote:
> Judy,
> If it is a network connectivity issue, it is undoubtedly related to
> your Internet connectivity, not the distance between you and ESI. You
> should be able to test that pretty easily if you get the right
> equipment in.  Any local network/WAN company could do some of that
> testing.
> So, it isn't limited to OPAC access?  It's from the client as well?
>  I'm just thinking about the slowness problems KCLS ran into, which
> seemed to be primarily OPAC related.
> Lori
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 9:38 AM, Judy Daniluk <>
> wrote:
>         Our libraries are all in North Texas, but our server is in
>         Georgia (hosted at Equinox).  
>         We often have problems with slow response time, and individual
>         libraries have days when they get lots of network errors,
>         which I assume are caused by timeouts.  One library has days
>         when they can't use Evergreen online at all, even though the
>         other libraries are operating normally and the affected
>         library can access other Internet resources normally.  We also
>         see quite a few cases where items get scanned for check-in but
>         the system doesn't actually check them in, and I'm guessing
>         that that's caused by network issues. 
>         Some of the problem might be caused by network infrastructure
>         at the libraries or the ISPs serving the libraries, but we
>         also suspect that the distance between us and our server might
>         be aggravating the problem.
>         What do the experts out there think? Would we see better
>         performance if we shorten the network distance between us and
>         our server?
>         Judy Daniluk
>         Technology Consultant,  North Texas Library Partners
>         6320 Southwest Blvd., Suite 101, Fort Worth, TX 76109
>     817-201-6778 (cell)     817-377-4440
>         (office)
> -- 
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Lori Bowen Ayre // Library Technology Consultant
> The Galecia Group //
> (707) 763-6869 //
> Specializing in open source ILS solutions, RFID, filtering, 
> workflow optimization, and materials handling 
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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