Dear Evergreen Community Members,

At the 2010 Evergreen Conference in Grand Rapids several of us were charged 
with moving forward with the idea of an Evergreen Foundation.  We formed the 
interim Governance Committee and proceeded with finding a way to form a 
non-profit entity that would allow for community growth and cooperative efforts.

The Committee will host an open meeting at the upcoming Evergreen Conference in 
Decatur, GA on Saturday, April 30, 2011 to give an account of our work during 
the past year. See agenda below. We are submitting documents for your review 
prior to this meeting.

The Committee is set to sign an agreement with the Software Freedom 
Conservancy.  The conservancy provides a non-profit home and infrastructure for 
open-source projects. This will provide protection of Evergreen community 
assets that are contributed from members of the community. 

Details of this agreement can be found at the following link. See Fiscal 
Sponsorship Agreement.

The Committee has developed a Rules of Governance document.  These skeletal 
rules will help us to move forward in a structured way and can be fleshed out 
as we move forward with a permanent structure.  We are required to have a 
minimal set of rules for governance in order to take advantage of the services 
of the Software Freedom Conservancy.  You can review the most recent version of 
the Evergreen Oversight Board Rules of Governance at

Governance Committee documents can be viewed at
In addition you may find further information on the governance discussion list 
history log 
( logs 
from IRC chats. 

Evergreen Foundation Committee Meeting
April 30, 2011; 11:45-12:30

I.      Welcome and Introduction of Board Members
II.     Board Reports; Update on the past year
       -Communications Committee
       -Conference Committee
       -Account of Work Completed
         Software Freedom Conservancy
         Rules of Governance

III.    Open Discussion/Questions

IV.     Adjournment

We look forward to hosting our first committee meeting and hope that you can 
join us in Decatur.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Interim Evergreen Governance Committee.

Elizabeth McKinney 
PINES Program Director 
Georgia Public Library Service 
A Unit of the University System of Georgia
1800 Century Place, Suite 150
Atlanta GA 30345

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