Hi Jesse,

This was sent to the list in July (the link to the .iso file is in the last section of the e-mail):

On 14 July 2011 14:57, Dan Scott<d...@coffeecode.net>  wrote:

  Question - are the packages visible yet? Evergreen
  and OpenSRF at ?
The build service site is a little labyrinth-like, to see the actual
binary packages you have to navigate to repositories, choose one, and
then Go to download repository. For example Debian 6.0[1] and Fedora
15[2]. These are the only distributions that are currently supported -
what is breaking the others is mostly non-existent or out of date
dependencies. I've also been building the packages on an Ubuntu PPA[3]
but I've not tested the install on ubuntu yet.


 From a pure OpenSRF and Evergreen perspective, I could see a strong
argument for splitting out the Web bits as a separate package as well;
for a multi-server install, you probably won't want to install the Web
on each server.
Ah, yes, the web bits would be a good one to split off, as that
removes quite a few dependencies if they're not needed.

Are you aiming at getting the packages accepted into the official
distro repositories? It would be great to document this understanding
for the future (particularly if there are clear TODOs to get to the
point of having the packages accepted by the distros). Also, let us
know if there are things that we can do that would reduce the work
required to build packages.
Getting the packages officially accepted is the best outcome, but I
don't know how doable it is. I will defineitely start talking to the
Debian/Fedora people over the next few weeks to see what we can do in
this direction.

I'm sure that server space can be arranged - we can poke the server
admins on #evergreen to lobby for an account for you on one of the
Thanks, that's sorted now. I've uploaded an iso[4]. The linux account
is opensrf/opensrf and the evergreen account is admin/livecd. I've
been mostly testing it using unetbootin[5] to load it onto a usb
stick. Ultimately, I hope for it to fit onto a single CD, but atm I
still have another 18MB to shave off before it does.



On 8/17/2011 9:42 PM, Jesse Ephraim wrote:

Someone asked this a couple of years ago:

"I've noticed that some other open source systems (particularly the various flavors 
of Asterisk) have released a self-install ISO file for some of their systems -- similar 
to the VMWare file, but for an install on a blank machine.  Has anyone on this list 
created such a thing?"

Has anyone created one in the interim?

Jesse Ephraim

Director, Roanoke Public Library

308 S. Walnut

Roanoke, Texas 76262

(817) 491-2691

jephr...@roanoketexas.com <mailto:jephr...@roanoketexas.com>

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