And to.dieplay the fields you add to the mark record take a look at the
'bib-template' examples.  Searching for bib-template at should
get you started.

Grant Johnson
Project Manager Lead
ITSS, BAS, Prov. Govt PEI.
On Aug 15, 2011 11:59 AM, "Jason Etheridge" <> wrote:
> [add a local classification]
>> I'm afraid I am a software engineer and not a librarian so some things
>> that are simple to most people on this list are confusing to me.
> As a non-librarian myself, I don't immediately equate classification
> with call numbers, though that's likely what you mean. You can also
> add subject headings to a bib record to help distinguish your
> materials, and you can add metadata at the item level with custom
> shelving/copy locations, statistical categories, and notes.
> --
> Jason Etheridge
>  | Equinox Software, Inc. / Your Library's Guide to Open Source
>  | phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
>  | email:
>  | web:

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