Dear Friends 


i have installed the evergreen client 2.0.9  it registers and gives error
while the server connects, the popup keeps appearing again and again if you
press ok it says 


Error in props2object in message catalog in bindings.xml: InternalError:
allocation size overflow


I have installed it from the evergreen site download link it was the
pre-packed installer    




The tester file when run gives the following error


DBI connect('dbname=evergreen;host=localhost;port=5432','postgres',...)
failed: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres"

FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "postgres" at
Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ line 235

* /opensrf/default/apps/open-ils.qstore/app_settings :: Unable to connect to
database dbi:Pg:dbname=evergreen;host=localhost;port=5432, user=postgres,


I have not given postgres as user any where in my installation why is is
this ..... Looking forward if anyone could help  




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