The only thing I could recommend is checking that your org tree is sane.

That is, the hierarchy of org units matches the hierarchy of their types.

Then run again either way.

Thomas Berezansky
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium

Quoting Geoff Sams <>:

I'm going to bump this because it is a really strange occurrence and any help on the subject would be greatly appreciated. If any more information is necessary please let me know.

Geoff Sams
Assistant Director
Roanoke Public Library
North Texas Library Consortium Board

From: [] On Behalf Of Judy Daniluk
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 4:53 PM
To: Evergreen Discussion Group
Subject: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] shared report templates don't display correctly for one location

One library in our consortium is having trouble seeing shared report templates. When you use the staff client as a workstation registered at this library, the list of shared report templates is incomplete - some folders show a truncated list of pages, some folders are displayed as pages instead of folders, some folders don't show up at all. The folders that don't display are shared consortium-wide, so they should be available. It happens for all the staff users at this location.

We recently moved our Evergreen installation to a different server and upgraded from 1.6 to 2.0.9. These users were able to see and use all the shared report templates before the move and upgrade. The problem appeared after the move and the upgrade, and has persisted for three months, through many reboots and restarts.

If you use the same userid but a workstation registered for a different org unit (even if it's actually the same computer), the shared templates display correctly. It's not related to the user's permission group or the user's home library or the user's working location, just the location where the workstation is registered.

Any suggestions?

Judy Daniluk

Director of Internet Services,  North Texas Library Partners

6320 Southwest Blvd., Suite 101, Fort Worth, TX 76109<> 817-201-6778 (cell)<>

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