I came back to Evergreen 2.1.1 after Koha.  I initially installed EG 
2.1.1 and experienced client login issues as I reported in an earlier 
thread to this list.  I then jumped to Koha and installed on a clean 
build.  After the install of the most recent Koha, it would not run.  I 
found way too many wrong path statements and I figured that fixing them 
all was way more work than coming back to EG.


On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 11:30:53AM -0500, Jason Stephenson wrote:
>> Jim Bond-Harris
>> Rosary High School
> I am going to take an entirely different tack to your question. I'm  
> going to ask if there is some specific reason you are trying Evergreen. 
> Have you tried Koha?
> http://koha-community.org/
> You might find it a good fit for your needs.
> Jason Stephenson
> Merrimack Valley Library Consortium

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