Hi there!

So I can see that you've made some edits on the Launchpad site for Evergreen, specifically in the Korean language files (https://translations.launchpad.net/evergreen/master/+lang/ko). From what I know, that's the official way of getting a locale translation applied to Evergreen's next version once it reaches a high enough level of completion and a developer pulls in the related PO files.

That said, it sounds like you may have local changes that you're already working with first? Which files have you been editing to make your translation?

Let us know and maybe some others might have some more specific insights for you on what to try next to get your translation applied to Evergreen.

-- Ben

On 3/15/12 10:24 AM, 윤현탁 wrote:
Hi all.
Now I`m translating Evergreen into Korean. And I want to apply it to review my translation is correct.
How to apply new locale into Evergreen??

Hyuntak Yoon
Student of department of Library & Information Science, Kyungbuk National University, Korea

Benjamin Shum
Open Source Software Coordinator
Bibliomation, Inc.
32 Crest Road
Middlebury, CT 06762
203-577-4070, ext. 113

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