Hassan, Stev3 et al.

  My Evergreen development environment is Gentoo Linux (servers and
desktops); also using CLI tools such as ack (or grep) for finding details.
 Some server-side editing (if necessary)  done with nano but most coding is
done with jEdit - which supports sftp, diff, and highlighting of loads of
different languages.  On my dev-desktop I use Terminator as the terminal
cause multi-pane broadcast groups are cool.  I'm using git via CLI (but
have a large-type cheat sheet on the wall) and I browse around the database
using phpPgAdmin.  If I used commercial software I'd get that Navicat -
it's very (very!) good

David Busby
Edoceo, Inc.

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Steve Wills <swi...@beyond-print.com> wrote:

> Hassan,
> To give you a more useful answer to your IDE question, I tried using
> Eclipse for a while but found that Evergreen contains so many different
> languages and parts that I felt hobbled by the 'Integration' of that
> environment.
> My development servers are Amazon EC3 slices using Ubuntu AMI's.  Since I
> work on a Mac, I tend to work in code using the Textwrangler editor, which
> has sftp builtin as well as code formatting templates for C, Perl, PHP,
> Java and Javascript, all of which one encounters running around in the gutz
> of Evergreen-ILS.   When shelling onto the server to use Vim or psql, I
> like iTerm.  I broke down and bought Navicat to help with postgres and
> mysql when wearing my DBA hat.  Finally, I manage git with SourceTree which
> does a great job of remembering the git commands for me.   I'm sure others
> do it differently.  I'd be curious to hear about their preferred
> development suites.
> Stev3  'not THAT grey' Wills
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* Hassan Radi [mailto:hassan.muhammad1...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 5, 2012 07:54 AM
> *To:* open-ils-general@list.georgialibraries.org
> *Subject:* [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Evergreen Development
> Hi everyone.
> Hope this finds you all well.
> My name is Hassan and I am applying to Google Summer of Code this year for
> the testing part. I have managed to get the Evergreen environment up and
> running, got access rights as a contributor and managed also to get the
> code from Git repository, but I have a question:
> - What is the used IDE to develop Evergreen? Is it Eclipse? I need to take
> a look at the code and figure out how it is organized, how many modules are
> there in order to include that in the proposal timeline.
> - The ideas page mention something about bonus items "PostgreSQL testing
> via pgTAP, browser testing with Selenium or Windmill".  I want to know
> further information about that part in order to consider it in my proposal.
> Any links in the documentation to read would be nice.
> Thanks in advance and looking forward to your replies.
> Bets regards,
> --
> Hassan Muhammad Hassan
> Third Year-Computer Engineering Department
> Faculty of Engineering-Cairo University
> Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002387443281>-
> LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/hassan-radi/3b/906/7b2>
> ---
> Software Tester at UTest.com <http://www.utest.com/>
> Coordinator of the Arabic Translation team of Gephi
> <https://www.transifex.net/projects/p/gephi/team/ar/>project
> *Website:* http://hassan1990.users.sourceforge.net/

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