Can we include text of newsletter in the email so we can read the updates 
without linking. 

Sent from my iPhone 4

On Apr 30, 2012, at 5:12 PM, "Amy Terlaga" <> wrote:

> Hi all—
> At last week’s Evergreen conference, the Evergreen Web Team / Communications 
> committee met to discuss our future plans.  Out of that meeting came the 
> suggestion that we revive the Evergreen newsletter to better inform the 
> community of all things Evergreen.
> I volunteered to pull the newsletter together each month and will be looking 
> to each of you to keep me in the Evergreen news.  Once compiled, I’ll create 
> a space on the Evergreen wiki each month and email you all with the link.
> The first edition will be a compilation of interesting Evergreen conference 
> tidbits.  I’d like to get this edition out fairly quickly so if you have 
> something from the conference that you think would be worthwhile to share, 
> send it my way by this Thursday – 
> (And did anyone take any photos while at the conference?  I took like three 
> and realized how lame I’d been on my way home.  How else am I supposed to 
> remember you people?)
> Amy
> +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
> Amy Terlaga
> Assistant Director, User Services
> Bibliomation, Inc.
> 32 Crest Road
> Middlebury, CT  06762
> 203-577-4070 x101

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