Hi all,

With the holiday in the US, I'm sorry this issue had to be delayed. I still aim to share my developers' digest with the broader community on Fridays in general.

This update is meant to be high-level and to cover the big stuff, but if I've omitted anything major speak up and reply to the list!

Covering the week of May 21 - May 25:

No new releases this week, but Dan Scott is driving work on OpenSRF 2.1.0, which should be out soon.

Work is ongoing toward Evergreen 2.2.0, which should be released this week or next, at or after the release of OpenSRF 2.1.0, which will be the recommended version of OpenSRF to pair with Evergreen 2.2.0.

Feature Development:
Bill Erickson shared work on the Kid's OPAC, sponsored by (alphabetically) Bibliomation, C/W MARS, GPLS, KCLS and Pioneer, all of whom we at Equinox would like to thank. Refinement is ongoing, and Bill hopes to have this development work included in the Evergreen 2.3 release series.

Other news:
The first developers' IRC meeting in several weeks was held on Wednesday, May 23. Information about such meetings is centralized here: http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:meetings

The documentation repository has been merged with the code repository for Evergreen, and efforts continue to bind documentation more tightly with the code, and to encourage more immediate production of feature-level technical documentation at the time of code publication.

Mike Peters announced the upgrade of the testing.evergreen.lib.in.us server to Evergreen 2.2 RC1 for public testing.

Thanks everyone!
Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley
 | Software Developer
 | Equinox Software, Inc. / Your Library's Guide to Open Source
 | phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
 | email:  lebbe...@esilibrary.com
 | web:  http://www.esilibrary.com

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