Hey Lori!

> Interesting issue.  It is a wiki and yet it has been the work of Ben
> Shum thus far and the approach we've been taking on the Web Team is
> to have content owners (well, people responsible for content areas)
> so I was feeling more inclined to treat that page as Ben's.

Can you talk a little more about how you and the web team envision content ownership working? I know it's been a while since I've been able to attend a web team meeting, and my memory is a little fuzzy on this topic, but I remember talking about content ownership early on. At the time, my interpretation was that it was a way for web team members to improve small pieces of the web site that were important to them, but I didn't think it meant they had sole responsibility for a particular wiki page - at least I hope it didn't since I'm sure there have been times when I've inadvertently edited someone else's page. I would like to echo Ben's sentiment for open collaboration on the wiki where anybody with an account can feel free to add or edit content when they see a change that needs to be made. I'm hoping a future Evergreen web site will follow a similar model, primarily because we are all volunteers with limited time to contribute to the web site. So I thought this e-mail thread might be a good jumping off point to discuss how content ownership might work on the web site and perhaps to reaffirm the collaborative nature of the Evergreen wiki.

There are only a few people who can make high-level changes to the non-wiki portions of the web site, and I know the web team and others need to ask for assistance to make those changes because they might not have the permission or technical knowledge to make those changes themselves. However, I'm concerned that asking those same people to make updates that can be done by anyone with a wiki account might be an imposition on their time.

> Also, I suck at wiki editing.

Heh, it's not my strong point either, but I've found I can go far just by copy and pasting the wiki markup that was used by the people who came before me.



Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 343-0128
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier

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