Hi all,


I've just found out that one of our libraries  has dropped its subscription
to a downloadable e-resource service. I need a way to find and delete their
URLs in several thousand records while leaving intact the URLs belonging to
the other libraries that still subscribe.


I see 2 ways to go: find and export all the bibs involved, delete the
obsolete 856s in a third-party MARC editor, then load the bibs back in and
replace the bibs in the database. Or, develop some backdoor way to remove
the 856s using SQL, just for the one library. It helps that each library has
a unique URL, such as http://smalltownct.oneclickdigital.com. Only trouble
is I'm not sure how to write a query incorporating a MARC tag and a
particular string.


I'd appreciate some guidance.






Mary Llewellyn

Database Manager

Bibliomation, Inc.

Middlebury, CT



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