Hi Alexey,
I think a lot of the "Is it going to be a huge pain to upgrade? Or is it
just a minor upgrade?" angst would be diminished if we (devs and release
managers) did a better job of communicating expectations about each
upcoming release. We pledged to do this at EGConf 2012 and had a good
start, but need to stay vigilant on this front - and pitch in on the
documentation (release notes & upgrade notes).
I agree and would like to offer my help with this, however, not sure exactly 
how at this point.
Here are some thoughts on pitching in on the release notes front. When I'm in Launchpad, I have started using a needsreleasenote tag for pullrequests for release-note-worthy new features that don't already have release notes. The development community has adopted a practice of writing the release notes when they submit code for new features, but this doesn't happen in all cases, meaning that we don't have a comprehensive set of release notes at beta time. I haven't gotten very far in adding this tag to new feature submissions, and I'm sure there are probably several Launchpad submissions that should get this tag. I'm hoping it will result in more comprehensive release notes at beta time.

Another way to help is to go through the Change Logs to verify that release-worthy new features are reflected in the Release Notes and add any that aren't there. I have done this a couple of times, and, although it is a little tedious, it is a good way to catch new features that may be missing from the release notes.


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