A while back someone (I think Wolf from Lyrasis but not sure) asked about a
regional conference here in the south east.  I replied that there wasn't
one but anything is possible.

What I didn't say is that I've always wanted to have one and tossed the
idea around with colleagues quite a bit.  Frankly, the lead up to the
conference in Vancouver has gotten me thinking about it again.  I've heard
from a lot of folks that they would love to go but they can't travel far,
etc... Now, I don't want to create a false impression - I heard this to
some degree with Indiana and Michigan as well but it is more dramatic with
us being on the opposite coast for this one.  But, that's bound to happen
with a conference that floats around.

Still, we have a lot of systems that would love to have an event that was
regional and possible to send people to without much hardship.   There are
lots of folks that can't go to any conference unless it is very close.
 This would be small scale even, probably a half day on a Friday and full
day on a Saturday, so day and a half.  It would be put on very cheap so as
to be accessible by small libraries that could not normally send people.
 It would be in as central a location as possible to potential participants
and at a cheap hotel.

As it is we have Georgia and South Carolina well established with Evergreen
consortiums.  I think Georgia already has some internal events for staff
but I don't know to what scale or nature.  However, we also have an effort
North Carolina that is growing and one in Virginia that is in progress.  So
there is a potential population for a series of roundtables and seminars to
provide information, networking and a chance for community engagement.

So, that is my thinking.  My question is, and I will follow this up with
direct mails to some parties, is there interest?


Rogan Hamby, MLS, CCNP, MIA
Managers Headquarters Library and Reference Services,
York County Library System

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