
The live page on the conference website is now up:

You'll find the Twitter feed (conference hashtag is #egcon2013), notes from
our live note takers and video. The main track is being recorded and we
hope to post the video in a few weeks. The tech track will be live
streamed. Today's tech track starts at 11am Vancouver time.

If you're at the conference and willing to be our volunteer conference
photographer, please get in touch and we'll add your Flickr feed to this
page too.

If you have other ideas on making the conference better, please do it.
Yesterday Jeff Davis had a great idea about taking photos of people who
were at the Hackfest with their IRC handles, so you can match the handle to
the face later. I hope this happens!!!

If there's anything me or the other members of the organizing committee can
do to help--please let us know.


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