We are a City/County Library System that has a total of 10 branches
scattered across the county.  Evergreen sends the item checked in straight
to each branch whether it is to fill a request, or to return the item to
the owning branch.

As Aaron answered, Evergreen doesn't care how long it takes once the item
is in transit.  However, unless you have delivery from each branch to each
branch bypassing your main library, everything will still take two weeks to
be delivered.

I'm not sure if your question is implying that your current ILS has to have
everything routed in and then back out from your main library, or if it is
because of your delivery schedule.

Here when we check in an item, it is immediately in transit to the owning
branch.  However, all our items also go through the main library before
going out to the branches, but that is because we only have one area at the
main library that sorts though all the route ins/outs and puts them in the
correct crates to be delivered to each branch.  However, we have morning
and afternoon delivery each day, so it only takes between two to three days
to get from one branch to another.

Does this help?

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Deana Cunningham <
deana.cunning...@granvillecounty.org> wrote:

>  Hi,
>  We are a county library system that is in the process of moving to
> Evergreen. Our current ILS does not deal appropriately with transits
> between smaller branches, and I am wondering if Evergreen will do any
> better.
>  We have a situation where all items between branches have to go through
> the main library first. That means that it takes two weeks if it is moving
> between the smaller branches - one week to the main branch, where it sits
> until the next week's deliveries. However, items from the Main Branch only
> take one week to reach their destination, and items from the smaller
> branches moving to the Main Branch only take one week.
>  Does anyone deal with a similar situation? Can anyone tell me if
> Evergreen can handle multiple transit times appropriately?
>  Thanks,
> Deana Cunningham
> Branch Manager, South Branch Library
> 1550 S. Campus Dr.
> Creedmoor, NC 27522
> Phone: (919) 528-1752
> Fax: (919) 528-1376
> deana.cunning...@granvillecounty.org

Rene' Belling
Library Asst.
ext. 7642

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