Hi Rogan

I would be interested in attending....

Stuart Forrest PhD
Library Systems Specialist
Beaufort County Library
SC 29902
843 255 6450

For Learning, For Leisure, For Life.

From: open-ils-general-boun...@list.georgialibraries.org 
[mailto:open-ils-general-boun...@list.georgialibraries.org] On Behalf Of Rogan 
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 10:48 AM
To: Evergreen Discussion Group
Subject: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Google Hangout for Inventory

I've had some interest in asking question about the potential inventory project 
that I'm looking for funding partners on.  I've answered questions as best I 
can by email and IRC so far but I thought doing a hangout might be fun.  So, 
I'm going to send out a doodle poll later this week to those who are interested 
and I will host a google hangout at the best time we can find to answer 
questions.  Rather than spam everyone I'm going to send the poll to those who 
have expressed interest already and anyone else who pings me and says they are 

I don't have a script for this but based on discussions so far things we might 
discuss involve workflows (this is something that we can spend a lot of time on 
because not everyone does inventories identically), the process at this point, 
funding goals, and plenty more.


Rogan Hamby, MLS, CCNP, MIA
Managers Headquarters Library and Reference Services,
York County Library System

"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."
― C.S. Lewis<http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1069006.C_S_Lewis>

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