Hi Rogan,

Sorry to be late in getting you feedback on this, but I just wanted to send along a vote of support for the idea of offering bug bounties. I think it's a great idea!

I think it should be limited to true bugs and not be used for wishlist bugs. I know there are plenty of bugs to tackle that are more than a year old, but, when working in two-releases per year cycle, I'm thinking bugs become old much sooner than that. Maybe six month or even less? I generally have found that if a bug doesn't receive some kind of attention in the first three months (attention being questions, confirmation, lots of "me too"s etc.), it is likely to be one of those bugs that ends up gathering dust. I think it's important that we give bugs a chance to get community attention before offering a bounty. Six months seems like it would be more than sufficient.

some would say it doesn't weigh importance of more recent bugs (and that's true).

I think it was me who said that. :) Overall, I would say targeting the older bugs is important. However, as with anything, I think there are exceptions. The specific bug I had in mind was https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1187993 which is related to an accessibility issue in the catalog when autosuggest is enabled. I see this bug as an exception because I believe accessibility is something the community should be supporting/striving for in any way we can. Perhaps there are/will be other unique cases out there where priority will take precedence.

In any case, if the community decides to move forward with this, I would be willing to volunteer to help work out the details. We might not come up with the perfect system, but, whatever happens, it should lead to some fixes for issues that have been frustrating people.


Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 343-0128
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier

On 7/18/2013 6:58 PM, Rogan Hamby wrote:
I'll be honest it's partially unclear because this is bouncing it off people thing at this point in time. This probably frustrates some people but I think these are things that as a community we should have dialogues about.

If I were asked to put forth my personal vision it would be something like this:

The community votes on bugs over X age (a year old?) using some kind of mechanism and presumably ranks based on priority. We then offer bug bounties on a set rate to Y number of bugs based on how much we have in that fund. Let's say we have $1,000 and pay $100 per bug, then we can offer it to the top ten bugs ranked by people's votes.

There are flaws with that approach. Some may say it does't give weight to payments based on complexity of bug (and that's true) and some would say it doesn't weigh importance of more recent bugs (and that's true). Fixing those things add issues of their own and maybe we want to take those issues on. That's part of why I'm throwing it out.

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Tim Spindler <tjspind...@gmail.com <mailto:tjspind...@gmail.com>> wrote:


    It is a little unclear what you are proposing.  Are you proposing
    that bounties are given for fixing bugs?  Finding bugs? or Both?

    Don't get me wrong, I think it has some real potential.  If we are
    to put resources to it, I would advocate for rewarding those who
    fix bugs because I'm sure many are pressured to add features but
    not rewarded to fix bugs.


    On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Rogan Hamby
    <rogan.ha...@yclibrary.net <mailto:rogan.ha...@yclibrary.net>> wrote:

        I wanted to bring up an idea that has been kicked around by
        several folks (including myself).  At this point I don't have
        a fleshed out implementation proposal in mind but wanted to
        throw it out for consideration.  The context of conversation
        so far had been targeting older bugs though perhaps we should
        weight them by priority as well.  What, how much and where are
        big questions attached to funds.  But, I don't want to put the
        cart before the horse.  This is a practice used successfully
        by some other open source projects and I think there's merit
        in considering it.

        Excuse my brevity, sent from my iPhone

        Rogan Hamby, MLS, CCNP, MIA
        Managers Headquarters Library and Reference Services,
        York County Library System

        "You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long
        enough to suit me."
        -- C.S. Lewis

-- Tim Spindler
    tjspind...@gmail.com <mailto:tjspind...@gmail.com>

    *P**   Go Green - **Save a tree! Please don't print this e-mail
    unless it's really necessary.*


Rogan Hamby, MLS, CCNP, MIA
Managers Headquarters Library and Reference Services,
York County Library System

"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."
-- C.S. Lewis <http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1069006.C_S_Lewis>

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