On 12/04/2013 10:22 AM, Deana Cunningham wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are having problems with Evergreen not searching for holds regularly.
> I have holds that were placed on November 15 that the "previous check
> time" was also November 15. Is there a script or something we are
> supposed to run to have Evergreen continue to check for items to fill
> these holds?

Yes, /openils/bin/hold_targeter.pl should be run periodically. We run
ours every 15 minutes via cron on our server. You may find that hourly
or even daily is sufficient.

> I also have a question about adding a new "grocery" bill type. The cost
> of lost/damaged items needs to be included as grocery because of
> incomplete information in the records we uploaded from our legacy
> system. I have added this bill under "Admin - Server Administration -
> Billing Types" but it does not show up under the drop down list when in
> the bill patron dialogue screen. Other billing types we have set up do
> show, but for some reason Lost/Damaged Materials does not. I even tried
> changing the name thinking that perhaps Evergreen sees that terminology
> as specific to circulation bills as opposed to grocery bills, but no
> luck. Is there a script that needs to be run to update this?

Did you log out of the client and log back in after adding the billing
type? Some of the things that you configure need you to log out and back
in so that your client will download the new settings.

> Any help will be greatly appreciated!
> Deana Cunningham
> Branch Manager, South Branch Library
> 1550 S. Campus Dr.
> Creedmoor, NC 27522
> Phone: (919) 528-1752
> Fax: (919) 528-1376
> deana.cunning...@granvillecounty.org

Jason Stephenson
Assistant Director for Technology Services
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium

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