Thanks for the input on this - it sounds like we are talking about apples and 
oranges, but I find whenever I learn something new about Evergreen it comes in 

We do have the setting Michele mentions set to true - "Cloned Patrons get 
address copy". It sounds like what Michele is saying is this means they get a 
copy of the address which is NOT linked to the original patron in any way. If 
this were set to "false", would the cloned patron then have their address 
linked to the original patron's address in such a way that editing the original 
would edit the cloned account as well? What about if you edit the clone - does 
it then automatically edit the original as well?

Originally I was asking about grouping the cards in order to easily tell 
parents the amount of fines and overdues there are on all accounts that the 
family has. In Evergreen 2.3.2, this is in the "Other - Group Member Details" 
section of the patron record. In the patron registration itself is a check box 
for "Is Group Lead Account". I like this function a lot, but my director wants 
to know all the ramifications before we start implementing it in our system.

And if there is anyone out there who knows how to get the notification/action 
triggers to produce a text file, please let me know!


Deana Cunningham
Branch Manager, South Branch Library
1550 S. Campus Dr.
Creedmoor, NC 27522
Phone: (919) 528-1752
Fax: (919) 528-1376

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