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On Jan 9, 2014, at 11:57 AM, Suzanne Paterno <> wrote:

> We recently updated our system from 2.3.7 to 2.4.4. Although I had no trouble 
> with any of our 2.3 releases, I am running into some difficulties creating a 
> Mac client for 2.4.4.  Specifically I receive the attached pop up about field 
> mapper.AutoIDL when I try to log into the client. 
> <Screen Shot 2014-01-09 at 12.51.22 PM.png>
> PC versions of the client work on our system so it does not seem as though it 
> is a server problem. The directory structure and files match the instructions 
> at 
>   I have tried building the directory(app) from scratch as well as starting 
> with the previous working client then overlaying the new files. I am not sure 
> what else to try. Any ideas? 
> Has anyone experienced anything similar when building a Mac Client? How was 
> the problem resolved? Anyone have a 2.4.4 Mac client they’s be willing to 
> share?
> Thank you, 
> Suzanne 
> --
> Suzanne Paterno
> Systems Support Specialist
> North of Boston Library Exchange
> Danvers, Massachusetts

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