On a related note, in Indiana we recently added "Display" as a status. This works great for displays that you just fill up with new things as the previous ones get checked out. Instead of changing the shelving location you set the status of the materials as display, and then when they get checked out and checked back in they just go back through the regular reshelving to available status cycle and get reshelved at their usual shelving locations. Obviously, this isn't so useful for long term displays where you want the items on display to return to the display after being checked out.

Sarah Childs
Technical Services Department Head
Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library
250 North Fifth Street
Zionsville, IN 46077
317-873-3149 x13330

On 2014-02-05 01:07, Jim Taylor wrote:
Entirely possible…I believe Symphony can do that so already have an
example.   One thing they didn’t account for, at the time anyway, was
what happens if you change an item after that.   Say you decide to
pull it from Fossils and put it in “Really Old Guys” instead.  What
happens?  Surprisingly, everybody in the group discussion at a
conference seemed to think I was silly for even being concerned even
though they admitted it might be  a problem.   Just something,
seemingly obvious, but , apparently not,  to take into account if you
pursue development of such a feature.


From: open-ils-general-boun...@list.georgialibraries.org
[mailto:open-ils-general-boun...@list.georgialibraries.org] On Behalf
Of Dan Scott
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 9:52 PM
To: Evergreen Discussion Group
Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] "undo-ing" copy location edits

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 10:13 PM, Holly Brennan <haderh...@ci.homer.ak.us> wrote:

We just started using a shelving location of ‘Display’ for items that
have been pulled from their normal locations in order to be… you
guessed it… on display. (Currently it’s *Fossils*)

Using a copy bucket to change the locations is SO much easier than it
was with our former ILS. We love that. So, of course, it made me
greedy. What if it was just as easy to return items to their former

I thought, what if, when we’re done with the display, we could click
a button to change the location of the items from ‘Display’ back to
the 7 or so locations where the individual items regularly live. That
would be cool. No, MAGIC.

If we held onto the copy bucket with all these items, it seems
possible (to me). The change could be a temporary location change.
Something like, Please change to this new location, but remember your
old one, because you’re going back there someday.

Has anyone else dreamed of this? Any developers want to chime in
whether it’s possible?

Yep, dreamed of it long ago for a slightly different context: putting
items on reserve (which could change their location and call number,

One possibility that now leaps to mind is to make use of the auditor
tables that track every change to a given copy and call number (and
many other entities in the database... at least until those auditor
tables are purged). We could whip up a batch action along the lines of
"Reset copy location to previous location" pretty easily, I think.

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