Hello everyone,

I am setting circulation policies for new Evergreen system in Evangelical
Theological Seminary Library and I came across a problem with circulation
duration rules application when checking out materials.

The library has the four patron permission groups. Different circulation
policies were created for those groups, with various circulation duration
rules assigned to each group.
There exist also default circulation policy for default (parent) permission
group ,„User“ in the system.

The problem occurs when checking out materials. The circulation duration
rule assigned to permission group „User“ is always applied to ALL
circulations regardless of patron permission group and circulation policy
assigned (E.G. circulation duration rule „60_days_3_renew“ should be
applied to permission group „Internal students“ by checkout  but instead of
it the duration rule „28_days_1_renew“ assigned to group „Users“ is
applied). When renewing checked out materials, the circulation duration
rules are applied correctly (in accordance with the assigned circulation
policy and circulation duration rule)
I tried to deactivate the default circulation policy for „User“ group (i.e.
set the circulation policy parameter „active“ for permission group User to
„FALSE“), but when the circulation policy for group „User“ is not active,
the pop-up window appears with error message „Exceptions:
no_matchpoint“ and it is not possible to check out any copy.
It is important to solve the problem, because the library needs various
circulation duration for each patron permission group.

Thanks in advance for any ideas :-).


Mgr. Eva Cerniňáková
Tel. +420 211 222 409

Knihovna Jabok
Tel.  +420 211 222 410

Jabok - Vyšší odborná škola sociálně pedagogická a teologická
Salmovská 8, 120 00 Praha 2

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