Hi all,

Today marks the first day of the new fiscal year for MassLNC, and our development committee has identified a few new enhancements we are hoping to sponsor over the next year.

We have received proposals from Equinox for all three projects, but MassLNC needs help to fund these projects. I am sending out this e-mail to see if there are other Evergreen sites interested in helping us fund any of these projects. For more details, you can e-mail me directly at kluss...@masslnc.org.

Also, if you are already working on a similar project or just want to provide some feedback for our proposed projects, please feel to share your feedback on the list.

These three projects are listed on the new Proposed Development Projects wiki page at:

The goal of this project is for a title's activity (circulations, number of holds, etc.) to affect the relevance of that title when retrieving search results. Google and Amazon use popularity with much success when ranking search results. I think Evergreen would see similar success if it were to incorporate activity into its relevance algorithm.

As an example, if a user were conducting a keyword search on "abraham lincoln," there are many books, movies, etc. in most US libraries where the words "abraham lincoln" show up in the title. There would be no way to tease out the titles that are getting the most attention by readers. In fact, a title like "Team of Rivals" ranks very low in our search results even though there is a fairly high likelihood it is the title the patron is seeking. By applying a metric based on activity, we might be able to see those more-recently popular titles floating higher in the search results list.

The current proposal is to make factors like circulation and hold activity, record and item age, and item ownership counts available as an activity metric. Each factor will embody a "popularity badge" that a bib record can earn, and each badge will have a five-point scale, where more points indicate a more popular record.

The average of the badge points earned by each record will constitute a "popularity star rating". The number and types of badges will break ties for average popularity.

A new sort axis of popularity will be created to sort first on the cumulative popularity of each record, followed by the query-specific relevance available today.

I mentioned this project in the recent thread on problems with items not checking in properly - http://markmail.org/message/rnm5s7wdxjgy3tym.

This project would give Evergreen sites more control over which alerts appear during check-in and check-out. The project has three components:

- Separate checkin and checkout copy alerts
- The ability to add temporary copy alerts from the checkin, checkout, and item status screen - A library setting that allows sites to determine if some system alerts should appear at checkin and checkout.

MassLNC's full project requirements are available at http://masslnc.cwmars.org/node/2764.

This project is not slated to begin until Fall 2014 after sprint 1 of the web client project is complete.

This project would create a message center that communicates important messages to patrons. Public patron notes will display here, and sites will have the ability to configure any action/trigger notice to also deliver a notice to the message center.

MassLNC's full project requirements are available at http://masslnc.cwmars.org/node/2927.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!


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