Hi Kelly,
Another item to add to the list of issues is support for patron record loading. We have developed scripts to load new and update on-file records, but a user-friendly interface similar to vandelay would streamline the process. Some of our college staff would also like to manage record loading themselves.

We load student records frequently. Some colleges provide one file at the beginning of each semester, but our community colleges provide weekly files for several weeks before and after the start of each semester. I load 300-400 files each year for the 10 academic institutions in our consortium.

Martha Driscoll
Systems Manager
North of Boston Library Exchange
Danvers, Massachusetts

On 7/21/2014 10:11 AM, Kelly Drake wrote:

Dear Evergreen Community,____

For the past year, Fenway Libraries Online (FLO), a consortium of 10
academic libraries in Boston, has been considering a migration to
Evergreen. Many members of the Evergreen community met and spoke with
members of FLO during this year’s annual conference in Boston. Thank you
for your time, patience and information. All your comments and
suggestions convinced us to continue pursuing a migration to Evergreen.____

Our investigation also suggested that it would be helpful to build
an academic interest group within the larger Evergreen community.  This
group would be focused solely on academic issues as they relate to the
ILS. Several existing Evergreen libraries and consortia have already
expressed interest in the group and we have tentatively called it
"Academics for Evergreen".____

To be most effective, Academics for Evergreen would be composed of any
individuals or institutions that have an interest in enhancing the
academic-related functions of Evergreen. Once formed, the group will
identify the academic-related functions that most need attention and
work to build knowledge, consensus, and resources to move moving these
issues forward.  So far we have identified a few of the possible issues,
such as streamlined creation and management of authority records,
enhanced search and browse by authority, support for multiple subject
heading schema, improved staff workflows and possible improvements to
course reserves integration. This list is by no means exhaustive and
needs the participation of the Evergreen community to improve and refine

Please respond and let us know if you are interested, have suggestions
for moving these issues forward, or if you have any questions.____

Thank you,

Kelly Drake
Systems Librarian
Fenway Libraries Online
Boston, MA 02115

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