
After a decent night's sleep, I reread the email I sent yesterday about LC
call numbers and printing, and realized the  099 / 090 / 050 question has
nothing to do with printing. (Duh)

The question really has to do with what call number is supplied in the call
number display when a new volume is created. I should have asked if
Evergreen follows the 099 / 090 / 050 hierarchy protocol.

Sorry about that,


First a question about default call numbers. A bib record potentially could
contain all 3 call number fields for an LC library.
099 Local Free-Text Call Number
090 Local LC-type Call Number
050 LC Assigned Call Number

It would be extremely rare for a bib record to have all three numbers, but
if they were present, the 099 tag should be the one chosen by the system to
print. When an 090 and an 050 are present the system should choose the 090
to print. When only the 050 is present it should print. Is this protocol
being followed in Evergreen?

Don Butterworth
Faculty Associate / Librarian III
B.L. Fisher Library
Asbury Theological Seminary
(859) 858-2227

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