Hi everyone!

I've been watching this discussion for the last few days now. As it's been going on for quite some time, I've finally decided to share my thoughts.

There have been several comments about the work required to maintain this page. Some folks seem to feel it's quite a bit of effort, and others think it's really trivial. What I know for sure is that in the last year I've seen this issue discussed at some length here on the list, and I can only imagine the time required to write such thoughtful messages as I've seen from Chris, Rogan, Kathy, and everyone else is substantial.

I am beginning to wonder if this even needs to be on the evergreen-ils.org site at all. Take a look at this: https://www.google.com/search?q=wikipedia+list+of+vendors

I'm not trying to sell this idea, but I'm wondering if moving the list of vendors to a Wikipedia article might be a good way to get around this being a "policy issue". The wikipedia article could contain listings for vendors that would like to add themselves, vendors that community members felt compelled to add, and content/links that each individual contributor felt appropriate. People who have strong feelings about the evergreen-ils.org vendors page might redirect their efforts to being a major contributor to the Wikipedia article.

With respect,

On Fri Sep 12 11:13:12 2014, Lazar, Alexey Vladimirovich wrote:
Perhaps by moving the link-back paragraph out of the “must” section and some 
minor wording changes the issue of appearing to mandate specific content on 
third-party websites could be avoided, for example:


Getting Listed on the Evergreen Paid Support Services Page

Companies and non-profit organizations providing Evergreen services must take 
the following steps to be added to the Evergreen Paid Support Services page.

        • Send a request to the Evergreen General List with the following 
                • Name of company/organization
                • Contact person
                • Contact email
                • Web site address
                • Brief description of services

Companies and organizations will be added to the Paid Support Services page 
after demonstrating through the above process that they currently offer 
Evergreen services. Companies and organizations that do not offer Evergreen 
services will not be listed.

 From time to time, the members of the Evergreen community may check support 
providers to see if they currently offer Evergreen services. If a company no 
longer does, their entry may be removed. All removals will be posted publicly 
to the Evergreen mailing list.

A support provider may request that their entry be removed at any time.

Vendors, we would appreciate if you could show your support for the Evergreen 
community by linking back to our web site at http://www.evergreen-ils.org/.


Or something like that.

Also, the spelling should either be "Web site” always with a capital “W” or 

Aleksey Lazar
IS Developer and Integrator - PALS

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