Thanks Rogan, this would be something I think a lot of Evergreen libraries 
would be interested in pursuing….


Tony Bandy<>
1500 West Lane Ave.
Columbus, OH  43221-3975
614-484-1074 (Direct)
614-486-2966 x19

From: Open-ils-general 
[] On Behalf Of Rogan 
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 2:05 PM
To: Evergreen Discussion Group
Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Authority Control Questions-Maybe a Solution?

a bit of postscript,

I can't speak to the documentation but I tried this as far as creating a new 
auditor table, and the function and trigger to do this and it worked fine on a 
test VM.  I didn't go so far as to write the query to find them but it should 
be doable.  I might play with it some more if I have some time.

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 1:56 PM, Tony Bandy 
<<>> wrote:
Hi all, Rogan,

Appreciate the update….but not being a developer or SQL person, I was a little 
lost after the second sentence.  ☺  If something like this would get done, do 
you think this could be part of the documentation, etc?


Tony Bandy<>
1500 West Lane Ave.
Columbus, OH  43221-3975
614-484-1074<tel:614-484-1074> (Direct)
614-486-2966 x19<tel:614-486-2966%20x19>

From: Open-ils-general 
 On Behalf Of Rogan Hamby
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 1:49 PM
To: Evergreen Discussion Group
Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Authority Control Questions-Maybe a Solution?

Hi Tony,

I've never done this but as I hope SCLENDS moves to authorities in the not too 
distant future I'm interested in this topic a lot.

If I remember correctly when a MARC record gets updated the old 
metabib.real_full_rec entries get deleted and new ones are entered.  I would be 
tempted to create a conditional auditor trigger that only write entries for the 
headings fields so that it's not a huge auditor table.  I've not done that but 
some quick googling showed up examples of it.  It would be a fun experiment if 
nothing else.  Then it would be easy to write a sql report to get distinct 
records from those whose inserted IDs (current metabib) are different from the 
audited ones and then export just those records.

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 1:04 PM, Tony Bandy 
<<>> wrote:
Hello all,

At COOL, we’ve recently started authority control with BSLW.  We have had our 
entire DB cleaned up and are getting ready to start the quarterly updates.  In 
this, we will be sending them new bibs that have been added to the system for 
headings cleanup.

However, we are also considering sending edited bibs as well.  This would be 
bib records that were authorized and cleaned up, but have since been overlaid 
or updated.

The biggest issue we are having is how to do this.  While the edit date in the 
bib is a starting point, we really only want to send bibs whose headings have 
changed, not other values in the record.

The question is:  How?

We’ve looked at the auditing tables as a starting point, but am thinking there 
might be a better solution:


Initial thoughts:

1.        Using PGAdmin, we can extract a list of TCN’s that have been modified 
(edited) since our last full DB dump.

2.       Using this list, extract bibs in MARC format from the system.

3.       Using MARC Compare (found in Marc Edit 6.x) I can compare these bibs 
with the original cleaned up records from BSLW and get a list of changed 
fields.  (I’ve done a sample file this am)

4.       This solution actually works to scan fields by hand for changes.

5.       However, with MARC Compare the records have to be in order or 
everything falls apart.  (Plus if you have a ton-o-records, this can prove time 



So my proposed solution is to write a custom PERL script to take original bibs 
and edited bibs, extract them down and compare headings in each of the two 
files, sending output out (via TCN’s) of those bibs whose headings fields have 
changed (such as the 100's, 400's, 600's, 700-740's as examples).  Once I have 
the TCN’s, it would be easy to dump these out of the system for cleanup by BSLW.


My question is:  Has this been done before?  (I don’t want to reinvent the 
wheel).  Is there a better way that someone else has come up with to do this?  
I’ve been digging around this am as 
well as, and and I think this would be do-able.

I’m certainly not a developer, but have written perl scripts in the past….so 
this would be fun to try.

Any thoughts?


Tony Bandy<>
1500 West Lane Ave.
Columbus, OH  43221-3975
614-484-1074<tel:614-484-1074> (Direct)
614-486-2966 x19<tel:614-486-2966%20x19>


Rogan Hamby, MLS, CCNP, MIA
Managers Headquarters Library and Reference Services,
York County Library System

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”
― C.S. Lewis<>


Rogan Hamby, MLS, CCNP, MIA
Managers Headquarters Library and Reference Services,
York County Library System

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”
― C.S. Lewis<>

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