A delayed greeting.  Welcome to all those who sent introductions through
the list this morning.  I'm excited to see this much participation from one
institution.  I'm in the midst of all the other librarying things, but
wanted to say "hi" and do a brief introduction.  Please pardon if this
sounds off the cuff.  It's off the cuff.

My name is Ruth Frasur, and I'm the Director of the Hagerstown - Jefferson
Township Library in Hagerstown, Indiana.  We have been a member of the
Evergreen Indiana consortium since 2009.  Prior to working in Hagerstown (I
started in 2011), I worked at Union County Public Library in a variety of
roles.  UCPL was one of the pilot libraries in EG-IN, going live in the
autumn of 2008.  Currently, I am in my final year of a 3 year term on the
Evergreen Indiana Executive Committee (governing body for the consortium)
and my 1st year on the Evergreen Oversight Board (governing body for the EG
software project).

I.  Love.  Evergreen.  There are many reasons why but they can be mostly
distilled down to good software developed by great people working together
to make libraries work in a way that makes us better.

Personally, I'm married to a very long-suffering "young" man and have three
sons - all nearing or at the age of majority.  I also have a dog that loves
me best, and a cat that is domesticated insomuch as she chooses to be on
any given day.

You'll find me, on a calm day, in the #evergreen channel in IRC using the
handle "rfrasur."  I know.  It's really creative.  On crazier days, it's
not worth finding me.  Also, let it be known that I am neither a software
developer nor a system administrator nor a particularly detail oriented
person when it comes to learning the technical aspects of Evergreen.  I'm a
cheerleader and a person connector.

So, be well and be welcome.  We're stoked (yeah, that's right) that you're

On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 12:37 PM, Danell Haspel <hasp...@exchange.larl.org>

> I thought it might be helpful to relay what steps I took to post my
> introduction, so others can learn from my mistake.  I went in my email
> and found the message that had the link to the page where we subscribed to
> the list.   I went back to that page because I had read earlier the part
> that said:
> “To post a message to all the list members, send email to
> eg_commun...@list.larl.org.”
> The problem was when I clicked on the link it automatically sends up an
> email window that is the default email account on the computer.  In my
> case, it was the dlreference account, and I didn’t notice that information,
> and I sent it quick so I could help the patron/customer that walked up.
> The moral of the story:   don’t work on Evergreen at the reference desk
> in-between the interruptions.
> Sorry for the trouble Josh!

Ruth Frasur
Director of the Historic(ally Awesome) Hagerstown - Jefferson Township
10 W. College Street in Hagerstown, Indiana (47346)
p (765) 489-5632; f (765) 489-5808

Our Kickin' Website <http://hagerstownlibrary.org>  Our Rockin' Facebook
Page <http://facebook.com/hjtplibrary>  and Stuff I've Read

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