The easiest thing is to build the staff client.  The path will vary based
on your installation but it will be something like


and run

make linux64-client

Then you can execute the staff client by running the xulrunner-bin and
passing it the application.ini

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 10:12 PM, Rigoberto Rodriguez <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I have just installed Evergreen running the script from
> 'berick/phasefx/stompro' on Debian Jessie. I am having problems finding
> the version of this installation to then find the appropriate staff
> client. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Rigoberto


Rogan Hamby, MLS, CCNP, MIA
Managers Headquarters Library and Reference Services,
York County Library System

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit
― C.S. Lewis <>

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