We've been struggling to get Evergreen Acquistions set up and working, and are 
gaining ground.
But it's time for us to evaluate the pro/con of even using an acquisition 
module, vs. using some other method.

I've got 3 questions for everyone...

1)      Do you use Evergreen Acqisitions and if yes, do you use it all or only 
some portion of it.

2)      If you do not use Evergreen Acquistions, do you use some other 
Acquistion software and if yes, what is it.

3)      If you do not use any Acquisition software, what method do you use to 
keep track of funds/ encumbrances/ect.?

I'm posting this same question to the Cataloging group.

Sharon Douglas  -  Automation Coordinator - Lake Agassiz Regional Library
118 5th St S  - Moorhead MN 56561  -  218-233-3757 ext 138  -  
The mission of LARL is to enrich lives and strengthen communities
LARL values intellectual freedom, equal access to information, respect,
tolerance, fun and welcoming atmosphere, excellent customer service,
and a current community driven collection.

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