Hello, I wanted to solicit some community feedback in preparation to try to have an Evergreen for Academics meeting sometime in December. Please forward this email to those in your institution that work in academic libraries or anyone that has overlapping interest in our topics.
At the last Evergreen for Academics meeting we decided to ask the community feedback on three questions… 1) When should we meet in December? Please fill out this Doodle poll to pick a date and time to meet in December on IRC. I will close the poll on Friday, December 4 at non EST. (Doodle polls only require that a valid email address is provided.) http://doodle.com/poll/px48748tkq2tud8v 2) We wanted to pick topics to focus on during future meetings, and more specifically what topic should we pick for the December meeting. During the October meeting there was a lot of interest in course reserves as the topic of the next meeting. I would suggest that we consider picking that as our meeting topic for December, since I was not able to plan a November meeting. Though feel free to suggest other topics to cover in December or for the next group meeting in 2016 Topic suggestions: inventory functionality, improving in-house use functionality, course reserves, patron loading, exporting citations in the catalog, authorities 3) We also wanted feedback on how often we should meet going forward. Some folks suggested quarterly meeting. Though since we might start picking specific topics to cover at teach meeting, we might want to meet every month or every other month. Thanks in advance, Yamil P.S. Here are the links with details form the October meeting... http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2015/evergreen.2015-10-29-14.04.html - meeting minutes http://evergreen-ils.org/meetings/evergreen/2015/evergreen.2015-10-29-14.04.log.html - IRC log http://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen_for_academics - group wiki page