
We have been trying to upgrade Jabok Evergreen database from 2.8.2. We have successfully reached 2.9.3. When upgrading from 2.9.3 to 2.10.0, the following error has occured:

psql:version-upgrade/2.9.3-2.10.0-upgrade-db.sql:4578: ERROR: insert or update on table "usr_circ_history" violates foreign key constraint "usr_circ_history_target_copy_fkey"
DETAIL:  Key (target_copy)=(52644) is not present in table "copy".

The copy in question is a copy attached to a bib record representing a serial (http://www.jabok.cuni.cz/eg/opac/record/2154?locg=102). We tried to check it in and out and then we used the updated 2.8.2 database for another upgrade attempt.

This time we experienced the same error (but involving a different copy of the same serial):

psql:version-upgrade/2.9.3-2.10.0-upgrade-db.sql:4578: ERROR: insert or update on table "usr_circ_history" violates foreign key constraint "usr_circ_history_target_copy_fkey"
DETAIL:  Key (target_copy)=(57113) is not present in table "copy".

Could it be related to the bug fixed in 2.10.2 as described at https://evergreen-ils.org/documentation/release/RELEASE_NOTES_2_10.html#_evergreen_2_10_2 (Fixes a bug where serials checkouts failed for users that track circulation history.)?

If so, what should we do to get rid of the error in our case when 2.10.2 has not been reached yet (in the upgrade process)?

If not, any ideas what could have gone wrong?

Thank you in advance for any hints!


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