Hello Everyone,

We are preparing for our spring upgrade to Evergreen, moving from 2.10.3 to 
2.11.3 and ran into one little bump. As part of the DB upgrade, there is an 
update setting the 901$s for bib records. First question, as seen in the 
attached screen shot, this threw a bunch of 'no mapping found for....' Errors. 
Can this be safely ignored and proceed with running the system after upgrading 
with no issues (we haven't seen any issue in our testing)?

The second, this update seem to take longer than 24 hours.  With that in mind 
would we be able to process the entire upgrade, then use Evergreen in daily 
production while this DB update finishes in the background? Or does this need 
to be 100% complete before allowing library's connection to the system?

Thanks in advance,

Jesse McCarty
City of Burlington
IT Technical Assistant

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