Hello, we recently purchased a subscription to booklist reviews from Content 
Café, and now we are seeing how the information is hidden in the added content 
tab by default when the record detail page is opened.  I've been looking at how 
we can customize the view so that the review data is shown by default, and is 
shown higher up in the page.  I'm wondering if any other sites have seen this 
as an issue and addressed it?

Right now our system is stock 2.10, it can take multiple clicks and page loads 
to access the review data.  One click on "Added Content" and a page load, then 
another click on the reviews subheading if it doesn't happen to be the first 
added content item.  We just don't think users will go through the trouble to 
do this, or even know that they can.

I've looked at simply including the addedcontent.tt2 further up in the page, 
but it looks to me like the data is only included in the page context when the 
proper ac=reviews cgi variable is set.  It looks to me like I would need to 
adjust  '/WWW/EGCatLoader/Record.pm' to always request(get instead of head) 
review data to get that to work.  Has anyone gone down that route?


Lake Agassiz Regional Library - Moorhead MN larl.org
Josh Stompro     | Office 218.233.3757 EXT-139
LARL IT Director | Cell 218.790.2110

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