All -

We are having some issues with our notices.   When they go out, they have this 
in the template:

From: [%- params.sender_email || helpers.get_org_setting(user.home_ou, 
'org.bounced_emails') || default_sender %]

  However, we would like the FROM field to have the CIRCULATING Library as the 
FROM library.  How do we do that?    Currently, it looks like it is coming from 
the home library.  But the item generating the notice is the circulating 
library and that one is different.    We would like that email to be in the 
FROM  field.


Jennifer Walz, MLS - Head of ILS emails
Kinlaw Library -  Asbury University
One Macklem Drive, Wilmore, KY 40390
859-858-3511 ext. 2269

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