I agree with all that Jane said.

We don't support any academic libraries in PINES, but I have worked in
academic libraries and I'll always be interested in expanding Evergreen to
be flexible enough to support all types of library needs.

Terran McCanna
PINES Program Manager
Georgia Public Library Service
1800 Century Place, Suite 150
Atlanta, GA 30345

On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 10:19 AM, Jane Sandberg <sand...@linnbenton.edu>

> Your point is well taken, Ruth.  I'm very grateful for your email.
> I also wouldn't want to see a separate academic fork of Evergreen.  I feel
> very fortunate to work in a library that blends approaches that are
> typically associated with both academic and public libraries.  There are
> many libraries that blend these approaches even further: tribal college
> libraries that also serve as the public libraries *and* archives of their
> communities jump to mind as really successful examples.
> At the same time, there are many ways that Evergreen could better help our
> Library bolster student success. I believe that there is value in
> discussing these with other folks who share a student success lens.
> I imagine that this group would convene discussions both by itself and
> with the larger Evergreen community.  I agree with Kathy; I don't see a
> need for a separate email list at this time.  I also suspect that this
> group would find itself building coalitions not just with the public
> libraries that use Evergreen, but also with the primary and secondary
> schools that use Evergreen, the special libraries that use Evergreen, and
> with libraries that don't fit into the way we historically categorize
> libraries here in the United States.
> I am very open to ideas about how to *not* reinforce the silo approach,
> while still being able to have really in-depth, student-centered
> discussion.  For starters, how would folks feel about changing the group's
> name to something like the Student Success Interest Group?
> Thanks also to Jennifer, Kathy, Ron, and Jim for your interest and
> contributions to this discussion. :-)
> On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 6:20 AM, James Keenan <jkee...@cwmars.org> wrote:
>> For the sake of the academic libraries in C/W MARS, I'm interested. I
>> think it's important in general, though, not to separate academics and
>> publics and create small, unintended exclusion zones based on type of
>> institution.
>> Jim
>> On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 8:55 AM, Gagnon, Ron <gag...@noblenet.org> wrote:
>>> Academic libraries are an important part of our consortium and we are
>>> interested in improving usability for academic libraries, and attracting
>>> more to Evergreen.
>>> Ron
>>> On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 8:19 PM, Jane Sandberg <sand...@linnbenton.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Evergreeners,
>>>> A while back, there was a great group of folks at academic
>>>> institutions who were discussing issues of interest to academic
>>>> libraries that use Evergreen (e.g. course reserves, cataloging and
>>>> display needs, workflows, integration with campus systems).
>>>> There's some documentation of this group here:
>>>> https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen_for_academics
>>>> Would folks be interested in seeing this group return?  If so, what
>>>> sorts of activities and/or discussions do you think would be fruitful
>>>> for this group to engage in?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>>     -Jane
>>>> --
>>>> Jane Sandberg
>>>> Electronic Resources Librarian
>>>> Linn-Benton Community College
>>>> sand...@linnbenton.edu / 541-917-4655
>>>> Pronouns: she/her/hers or they/them/theirs
>>> --
>>> Ronald A. Gagnon
>>> Executive Director
>>> North Of Boston Library Exchange (NOBLE)
>>> Danvers, Massachusetts  01923
>>> 978-777-8844 <(978)%20777-8844>
>>> www.noblenet.org
>> --
>> [image: EmailLogo]
>> *Jim Keenan*
>> Library Applications Supervisor | C/W MARS
>> 67 Millbrook Street, Suite 201, Worcester, MA 01606
>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=67+Millbrook+Street,+Suite+201,+Worcester,+MA+01606&entry=gmail&source=g>
>> 508-755-3323 x 323 | http://www.cwmars.org
> --
> Jane Sandberg
> Electronic Resources Librarian
> Linn-Benton Community College
> sand...@linnbenton.edu / 541-917-4655 <(541)%20917-4655>
> Pronouns: she/her/hers or they/them/theirs

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