Hello all,

At some point in the last few weeks, I realized that I had broken one of
the "rules" of release management.  The period between feature-slush and
feature-freeze is best attended to with undivided attention, but at it
would turn out, one of the two weeks for that period coincided with a
certain major library developer conference.

While we still have another week under the original timeline, I have
decided to proactively extend the feature freeze period by a few days.  The
new feature-freeze cutoff is now, *Wednesday, Feb. 28*.  This was
originally scheduled as the beta release day, so that is being pushed back
by two days to *Friday, March 2*.  There are no plans to adjust any later
dates in the schedule at this time.

So, for between now and next Wednesday, here's a link to the 3.1-targeted
feature ("Wishlist") branches needing attention:


At the time of writing, there are 19 items in this list.  Since we are past
feature slush, this list should not grow, but if after seeing this list you
realize there is something missing which you expected to see here, please
let me know.

Finally, just because we are concentrating on feature pushes for the coming
days, please do not hesitate to push in bug-fix branches as well.  Here is
a simple link including a list of all bugs targeted for 3.1 at this time:


Thank you!


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