Hi Jim,

I LOVE that!

How does one "program the GPS" to a library shelf?

My apologies for my tardy reply - slammed at a new job.

Thank you ever so much.


Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2018 21:36:20 -0500
From: "Jim Taylor" <jtay...@jtdata.com>
To: "'Evergreen Discussion Group'"
Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Floor Plan - Map - Drawing Software
Message-ID: <006601d41989$1e3746a0$5aa5d3e0$@jtdata.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="utf-8"

It has been a few years so recalling this from my dusty memory
collection but a few years ago I saw a presentation by someone in the
Horizon Library world who mapped all his shelves using GPS.   So when
you looked up an item it would dynamically show you where the item was
located.  Things are even more sophisticated now so you could even
provide "Directions" now on peoples phones.   Click a link and tell it
to "Start" and it would take them to the right shelves.   Probably one
additional table in the database to map Location/Collection/Call#
codes to GPS coordinates and maybe a bit of map creation and away you
go.   If you wanted to get really fancy you could even do a StreetView
kind of thing for your library so they could "See" where they needed
to go.   Or even fancier, put in LED tiles for flooring and then you
could light up tiles for them to follow.   Sorry, I get carried away
sometimes.   Sounds like a fun project though.


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