Hi David,


1) What version of Evergreen should I download on a small network of
> computers (3-4 PC network)?

We generally recommend the latest stable release, which currently is 3.1.4.

2) Does Evergreen print spine, pockets and card labels?

Evergreen currently supports printing labels to continuous feed printers.
There is some current work to allow printing to sheet labels, but it isn't
expected to be available until a later release. If you need to print to
sheet labels, many libraries use mail merge in their word processing
programs or use the solution developed by Branch District Library -

3) Anyone else working on Evergreen in Haiti?

I haven't heard of any libraries in Haiti using Evergreen yet, but it's
always possible that there are libraries using it that we have never heard
from. We would love to hear about it if there are!

If you run into any technical issues while installing the software, feel
free to post questions to this list or the technical discussion list -
http://libmail.georgialibraries.org/mailman/listinfo/open-ils-dev. You can
also get help in our the #evergreen IRC channel on the freenode network. It
is most active Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Eastern
time zone.

More information is available at https://evergreen-ils.org/communicate/irc/.
If you join the IRC channel, we recommend that you register your nickname
first to guarantee that you can post messages -

Feel free to let us know if you have any more questions!

Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 343-0128kluss...@masslnc.org

On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 1:45 AM, David Harmeyer <dharme...@apu.edu> wrote:

> Hi all, this is my first post to the list.
> I've been a librarian at Azusa Pacific University (10,000 students,
> Christian liberal arts, 1/2 undergrad, 1/2 masters and doctoral students)
> in southern California for 21 years.
> I directed creating a 10,000 volume library in Ethiopia back in 2005-6
> using something called Right On Programs (a stand-alone PC-based ILS). But
> sadly the folks at their last location (in New York) have not responded to
> my many calls, faxes and emails.
> I'm now in need of stand-alone ILS to catalog and run circulation for a
> 3,200 volume health science library going to northern Haiti in a couple of
> weeks (the request is to use Dewey Decimal Classification). Stand-alone
> because Internet is quite irregular (if at all) in the final location of
> the collection.
> At a recent library directors meetings of other colleges and universities,
> Evergreen was highly recommended. So here I am.
> Three questions:
> 1) What version of Evergreen should I download on a small network of
> computers (3-4 PC network)?
> 2) Does Evergreen print spine, pockets and card labels?
> 3) Anyone else working on Evergreen in Haiti?
> Appreciate your Help!
> Dave
> Dave Harmeyer, M.L.S., Ed.D.
> Library Faculty and Professor
> Azusa Pacific University
> Marshburn Library, 105
> (626) 815-6000, ext. 3255
> dharme...@apu.edu
> Maximizer • Strategic • Learner • Achiever • Belief

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