As Jason said, there is some name changing to do. When I copy the apache files 
I have them copied as follows:

cp Open-ILS/examples/apache_24/eg_24.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/eg.conf

cp Open-ILS/examples/apache_24/eg_vhost_24.conf /etc/apache2/eg_vhost.conf

cp Open-ILS/examples/apache/eg_startup /etc/apache2/

All run as root from within the Evergreen-ILS-3.1.X/ directory.

Jesse McCarty
City of Burlington
Information Systems Technician

From: Open-ils-general 
[] On Behalf Of 
JonGeorg SageLibrary
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2018 12:42 PM
To: Evergreen Discussion Group
Subject: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Apache install question

So on Step 11 of - it wants 
me to copy as root the example eg_start, eg_vhost and eg.conf files to the 
/etc/apache2 and /etc/apache2/sites-available locations overriding the existing 
files. Yes, I got backup copies of the files.

Apache 2.4.18 is installed so per the instructions I should be adjusting the 
copy commands to look at the Open-ILS/examples/apache_24 directory. However 
when I look in that directory I only have eg_24.conf,<>, eg_vhost_24.conf and<> - so of course if I were to run the 
cp command as listed it would error out because there are no matching files to 
be copied. Do I change the names or am I missing something and need to 
reinstall Apache or something else entirely?


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