We have a report template for a single-day cash report that some libraries
use if they need more detail than the built-in cash report:

Source: Payments: Desk

Display Fields:
Payments: Desk > Cash Drawer > Workstation Name
Payments: Desk > Payment Date/Time
Payments: Desk > Amount Payments: Desk > Payment Type
Payments: Desk > Payment ID
Payments: Desk > Billable Transaction > User > Current Library Card >

Payments: Desk > Payment Date/Time (Equals) (Date)
Payments: Desk > Cash Drawer > Owning Library (In List)

Terran McCanna
PINES Program Manager
Georgia Public Library Service

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On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 12:16 PM, Dimmick Library ILL <dmljt....@gmail.com>

> Hi!
> At our library, using the report available in Administration -->
> Workstation  --> Cash Reports has not been accurate; it's consistently much
> lower than our physical cash. Our library uses a cash drawer (not a
> register) and we only accept cash or checks as payments, so for
> bookkeeping, we need to have the payments entered into Evergreen reconciled
> with physical cash.
> We have been looking for a way to create an accurate cash report that
> matches the amount we remove from the register and deposit weekly. I've
> tried to systematically create an accurate report template (I'm up to test
> template #25 so far) but none yet have been accurate as far as the cash
> amount collected in the register.
> Additionally, working with cash/payment/billing templates has been very
> confusing, as column labels such as "Total Paid" appear under so many
> different source paths. Through process of elimination, I feel like I'm
> getting closer to finding the correct columns (I've started working within
> the ILS User core source--does that sound right? I've tried different
> payments sources as well) but somehow there are still payments being
> missed, and I don't know where to look.
> Does anyone have any tips or documentation they can share as far as
> locating the correct columns to include in a template for an accurate
> cash/payment report?
> Sarah MacNeill
> Interlibrary Loan Coordinator
> Dimmick Memorial Library
> http://www.dimmicklibrary.org/
> 570-325-2131

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