This is a great discussion!

Thought I'd share how we implemented autorenewals in NOBLE:

A Library can opt in to autorenewal. Only their own items checked out at
their own library will be autorenewable. Network transfers are not

Autorenewal processing happens the morning the items are due so patrons
don't lose any time from their loan period.

Our autorenewal action trigger uses a custom filter so that it only runs
for the libraries who have opted in, and does not attempt to process
autorenewals for checkouts that are not renewable at all.

When a library opts in, and chooses a start date, we adjust their duration
rules to set the number of allowed autorenewals equal to the number of
allowed renewals. If a duration rule has zero allowed renewals, we don't
set a value for allowed autorenewals. This allows the action trigger filter
mentioned above the skip them.

To avoid the transition issue with new checkouts vs. existing checkouts, we
update open circulations for the opting in library which are due on the
start date and beyond to set the autorenewal remaining field equal to the
renewal remaining field. In that way, items that were checked out prior to
the rule change will be eligible to autorenew.

Feedback has been positive, though we have adjusted the notice language a
few times to make it less confusing.

Hope this is helpful!

Michele M. Morgan, Technical Support Analyst
North of Boston Library Exchange, Danvers Massachusetts

On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 9:52 AM Forrest, Stuart <> wrote:

> Hi
> We are a library system that is part of a consortium (SCLENDS) and at the
> moment the only system that is using auto-renewal and this is what we have
> found so far.
> 1.               The three-day notice will still go out reminding patrons
> there books are due. (Our patrons see this as just a reminder)
> 2.               Auto-renewal happens 1 day before the books are due and
> the appropriate auto-renewal notice goes out then.
> 3.               An item won’t auto-renew if one of the following is true.
> a.               The item is required for a hold
> b.               Patrons' account has expired while they had the item
> checked out
> c.                Fines have reached the maximum allowed
> d.               Maximum auto-renewals have been reached.
> 4.               The auto-renewal notice will give a reason if the
> process failed referencing those case for example mentioned above.
> 5.               Let's say you pick a start date of 1st of December then
> anything that is checked out before this date will NOT auto-renew. Anything
> checked out on or after this date WILL. Eventually, of course, all items
> will auto-renew, we worked out that should take about 9 weeks from the
> start date.
> 6.               We decided to have the same amount of auto-renewals as
> hard renewals to avoid less confusion for the patrons.
> 7.               If you have any items that checkout for less than 8
> hours and have 0 renewals this can confusing, but Equinox found a
> workaround for us.
> 8.               If a patron from say Beaufort (BCL) comes to Calhoun and
> checks out a book at one of your libraries, that book will auto-renew also.
> On the other hand, if you transit an item to an SCLENDS member who is not
> doing auto-renewals that item will not auto-renew.
> If you have any questions, please let me know.
> Stuart
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Stuart Forrest, Library IT Manager/Analyst Beaufort County Library System
> 311 Scott Street, Beaufort, SC 29902
> 843 255 6450
> *From:* Open-ils-general <
>> *On Behalf Of *Diane
> Disbro
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 21, 2019 9:39 AM
> *To:* Evergreen Discussion Group <
> *Subject:* Re: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Auto Renew Feature
> [EXTERNAL EMAIL] Please report any suspicious attachments, links, or
> requests for sensitive information to the Beaufort County IT Division at
> or to 843-255-7000.
> I really appreciate this discussion! I want anecdotal information to share
> with my administration as we consider auto renewal.
> Thank you.
> Diane Disbro
> Pronouns: she/her
> Branch Manager/Circulation Coordinator
> Union Branch
> Scenic Regional Library
> 251 Union Plaza Drive
> Union, MO     63084
> (636) 583-3224
> [image: Image result for librarians rock]
> On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 1:57 PM Geoff Sams <> wrote:
> I would like to add that if you currently send out pre-due notices that
> it’s probably ideal to stop those as the auto-renew notifications serve the
> same purpose in general.  Jordan touched on that briefly there, but it was
> something we dealt with as well and I wanted to state it outright since it
> could be overlooked.
> Thanks,
> Geoff Sams
> Library Manager
> Roanoke Public Library
> 817-491-2691
> *From:* Open-ils-general <
>> *On Behalf Of *Elizabeth
> Davis
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 19, 2019 11:37 AM
> *To:* Evergreen Discussion Group <
> *Subject:* Re: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Auto Renew Feature
> Thank you both.  This has given us more to talk about and consider.
> Elizabeth
> *From:* Open-ils-general [
> <>] *On Behalf Of *Aubrey
> Area Library
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 19, 2019 12:29 PM
> *To:* Evergreen Discussion Group <
> *Subject:* Re: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Auto Renew Feature
> We also implemented auto renew in late February this year (we are also the
> other library Geoff mentioned). It was a little rocky at first, being the
> test library for implementation, but once we worked out the kinks it has
> been smooth sailing.
> Overall patrons have been very happy with it though we did have one patron
> that did not like the fact that the items renewed before their actual due
> date. Yes, we are also the library Geoff mentioned whose items auto renew
> before their due date. Thankfully it was resolved after speaking with the
> patron and explaining renewals, how auto renewal works etc. I have started
> looking at changes to this as I would prefer for the items to renew on
> their due date. The setup is what it is due to how courtesy notices are set
> up.
> Geoff mentioned the issues with generating notices.
> For patrons with no email/sms; we tend to just explain to patrons about
> how auto renewal works if they ask about it. After a few times it sinks in
> and they come to expect it. We do not require email address so, personally,
> I look at it as if a patron does not want notifications from the library
> that is their choice. Can't force it on them.
> We had already taken measures years ago to reduce fines (80%
> reduction!!!!) so the impact that auto renewal has had is minuscule but as
> it was mention if fines are a source of revenue auto renewal may not be a
> good fit.
> I would echo Geoffs recommendations for implementation. It was something
> that I overlooked and has been a thorn in my side since. Not only to give
> patrons time to return items but also so you o not have a mess of notices
> like we do. Simplicity.
> Thanks,
> Jordan Woodard
> Aubrey Area Library
> On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 3:56 PM Geoff Sams <> wrote:
> We implemented auto renew back in March this year and things have gone
> fairly smoothly with the implementation for my library.
> Generally, the patrons have been happy about it.  We did have one
> complaint that boiled down to a patron simply not wanting to be notified at
> all, which was an interesting one for me, but that was certainly possible
> to fix for us.
> The only rocky start part was getting our notices to generate properly.
> The stock notice wording was a little too generic, so we made changes that
> took a bit of work to get implemented properly.
> We don’t really have the email/sms issue, so I’m not sure what the best
> course of action would be for that to be completely honest.  I have some
> ideas, but I’m not sure if any of them would be viable over the long run.
> This has drastically reduced fines here, for the moment.  It’s not a
> forever renewal process, so I do still see fines, but it has generally
> decreased fines across the board.  We don’t rely on fine income for
> operation here, so this isn’t a giant issue for us, but if you do rely on
> fine income I’d probably recommend against implementing such a process.
> With that said, my staff spend a lot less time dealing with fine related
> issues, and I believe it’s enough to have saved money in general.
> For implementation, I’d recommend one of two options for the sake of
> making things reasonable.  Either set the renewal to happen a few days
> before the due date so that patrons have time to return materials that are
> not renewed, or set the renewal on the due date but add a multi-day grace
> period for the same reason.  We renew on the due date and give patrons 3
> grace days to return the item to avoid fines.  Another library in my
> consortium renews the item 3 days before the due date instead.  Both work,
> but I think the important factor is allowing patrons the time to return
> items.
> Thanks,
> Geoff Sams
> Library Manager
> Roanoke Public Library
> 817-491-2691
> *From:* Open-ils-general <
>> *On Behalf Of *Elizabeth
> Davis
> *Sent:* Monday, November 18, 2019 12:09 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Auto Renew Feature
> Hello Everyone,
> For those of you who are using the Auto Renew feature, how is it going?
> What are the general impressions from patrons? Was it a rocky start?   We
> have some concerns about how staff deal with patrons who do not have email
> or sms notification capabilities. How did you deal with this aspect?  Any
> unexpected financial impacts in terms of fine revenue? What are your
> suggestions for those interested in implementing it?
> Thank you,
> Elizabeth Davis
> Head of Digital Services
> Scranton Public Library
> 500 Vine Street
> Scranton, PA 18509
> Office 570-348-3000 ext. 3050
> Cell 570-795-4332
> pronouns: she/her/hers
> --
> If you need further assistance, please contact the library at 940-365-9162
> or send a reply email.
> Thank You, The Library Staff
> 226 Countryside Dr., Aubrey, TX 76227

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