
It won't be the same, but it is the best choice for this year.

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On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 11:53 AM Frasur, Ruth <rfra...@library.in.gov> wrote:

> Rogan,
> You know I’m definitely one of those people that loves all things
> “in-person.”  That said, with so many unknowns right now in terms of what
> the society landscape will look like in 3-6 months, I agree with the idea
> of having an online hackaway for 2020.
> *Ruth Frasur*
> *Evergreen Support and Development Administrator*
> Indiana State Library
> 140 N Senate Ave
> Indianapolis, IN  46204
> (317) 460-7556
> *From:* Open-ils-general [mailto:
> open-ils-general-boun...@list.georgialibraries.org] *On Behalf Of *Gagnon,
> Ron
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 6, 2020 10:56 AM
> *To:* Evergreen Discussion Group <
> open-ils-general@list.georgialibraries.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Hack-A-Way 2020
> **** This is an EXTERNAL email. Exercise caution. DO NOT open attachments
> or click links from unknown senders or unexpected email. ****
> ------------------------------
> Rogan and all,
> While it may lack some of the conviviality, having an online-focused
> Hack-A-Way would open it up to more participants which could be a great
> benefit.
> I know the in-person meetings have tried to have an online component, but
> it sometimes seemed an afterthought, difficult to hear and follow.  We have
> not sent staff to the Hack-A-Ways but have people very interested in the
> discussions and the work in progress.  An online version could give them
> more of a seat at the table.
> The online Hack-A-Way will benefit from our experience with the online
> conference this spring and we can reevaluate when and if life returns to
> normal.
> Ron
> On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 2:15 PM Rogan Hamby <rha...@equinoxinitiative.org>
> wrote:
> As many know, we have had two institutions express interest in hosting the
> 2020 Hack-A-Way.  I was discussing the logistics with both early this year
> when the COVID-19 situation escalated and everything went on pause.   I've
> been waiting a while to write this email hoping that as May arrived the
> future would be clear and I'd be able to say we would still go ahead with
> plans for the 2020 Hack-A-Way.  It's about as clear as mud on a foggy day.
> At this point in time, I can not ask anyone to commit to the resources
> necessary to ensure the hosting of an event in October.
> It is possible that by October the situation will be remarkably better.  I
> certainly hope so.  However, there are some pretty dire forecasts for the
> current infection vectors as well as the possibility of another outbreak in
> the Fall ... just in time for the Hack-A-Way.   I also suspect that many of
> us are working for institutions that will be evaluating their travel rules
> in light of all these variables and that may complicate attendance for
> many.  Waiting until June or July for a decision, aside from the difficulty
> for a host, also adds a time based set of complications for attendees in
> regards to budget request cycles.
> So, to get to the point (finally) my inclination unless I hear an uproar
> of "no, we can definitely make it!" is to cancel the in-person Hack-A-Way
> this year.
> I am open to investigating online options.  They are less than ideal and
> the Hack-A-Way was intended to avoid those same barriers that an online
> event causes but sometimes we just have to keep calm and Evergreen on.  I
> will investigate options for collaboration software such as GoTo Meeting or
> Zoom that may allow for both the whole group to meet and break out into
> smaller interest groups.  This could also be useful to supplement the
> future in-person events.
> So, I welcome feedback, including from those who think we may have a means
> to make this happen.  But, at this point I am going to proceed with
> creating plans to take things online this year and will be reaching out to
> others in the next few months both for feedback and with a few
> supplications for assistance.
> Hope everyone is well,
> Rogan Hamby, MLIS
> Data and Project Analyst
> Equinox Open Library Initiative
> phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
> email:  ro...@equinoxinitiative.org
> web:  http://EquinoxInitiative.org
> --
> Ronald A. Gagnon
> Executive Director
> North Of Boston Library Exchange (NOBLE)
> Danvers, Massachusetts  01923
> 978-777-8844
> www.noblenet.org

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