On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 06:58:36AM -0700, Nick wrote:
> I'm trying to use open-iscsi to connect to an iSCSI-based tape
> library.  The library has two drives, so there are three IDs.
> Unfortunately, the library is picky about having the same SCSI IDs as
> are configured directly on the library, which means on the iSCSI
> client end I need to make sure that the devices show up with those
> same IDs.  This presents two problems:
> 1) Each of the devices is presented as a separate iSCSI target.  This
> means that when open-iscsi connects to these three targets, they each
> get put on a different SCSI bus.  Any way to force all three targets
> onto the same bus?

Nope. Each of the connection is considered as a new HBA.

> 2) open-iscsi starts ID numbering at 0.  Is there any way to configure
> an iSCSI target to show up at a certain ID?  So, my tape library is
> SCSI ID 8, my first drive is 9, and my second drive is 10.  Is there
> any way to configure these targets to show up at IDs 8, 9, and 10?

When you say ID, do you mean LUN?  What does 'lsscsi' show? 
Is your first drive the second target? If that is the case, it should
show up as so (with a different vendor/product name of course):

[0:0:0:8]    tape       blah      blah                                  /dev/st0
[1:0:0:9]    disk    ATA      WDC WD1600JD-75H 08.0  /dev/sda
[2:0:0:10]   disk    ATA      ST3160812AS      3.AD  /dev/sdb

But the last digit ought to be the same as your SCSI ID, unless the 
target decided to "flatten" this an opt to present them as 1-to-1 mapping
(one target == one LUN).

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