Mike Christie wrote:
Thanks Mike. I will take review and get back.
-david S.
> Hey Dave,
> In the qla4xxx branch of the iscsi git tree I added code so that
> iscsiadm can control sessions that are accessed through qla4xxx.
> The patches are here:
> http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/mnc/linux-2.6-
> iscsi.git;a=commit;h=f95246f8e84a12267e3c9e811a94004f598ef285
> http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/mnc/linux-2.6-
> iscsi.git;a=commit;h=ea4d8306487fca1b601a2ef69a85951b19843382
> http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/mnc/linux-2.6-
> iscsi.git;a=commit;h=4320dc0e234368620b40c155d571e8c46b814216
> http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/mnc/linux-2.6-
> iscsi.git;a=commit;h=76ed2193986e9910fd695c881ae1cb08e35feb1c
> I was not sure what I was doing exactly :) since I was going by the
> qlogic.com driver ioctl code, so if you could take a look at
> http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/mnc/linux-2.6-
> iscsi.git;a=commit;h=ea4d8306487fca1b601a2ef69a85951b19843382
> and check if I am interacting with the hardware correctly it would be
> nice.  Specifically I am worried about qla4xxx_session_logout_ddb and
> qla4xxx_session_login_ddb.
> If you want to run this then you also need the userspace patch that is
> attached. It should apply to the open-iscsi git head.
> To start remove the persistent targets in your FLASH since we will use
> the iscsd db instead (note that for boot and root you can have targets
> in flash and the drivers/firmware auto login will work but you just
> cannot use iscsiadm to login/logout).
> To run login/logout then just build the code, modprobe qla4xxx and start
> iscsid. Then you need to do discovery
> ./iscsiadm -m iface -P 3
> will display the different ifaces like this:
> Iface: iface0
>       Iface Name: iface0
>       Iface Transport: qla4xxx
>       Iface Initiatorname: unknown
>       Iface IPaddress: unknown
>       Iface HWaddress: 00:c0:dd:08:63:e8
>       Iface Netdev: unknown
>       Host Number: 20 State: running
> Iface: iface1
>       Iface Name: iface1
>       Iface Transport: qla4xxx
>       Iface Initiatorname: unknown
>       Iface IPaddress: unknown
>       Iface HWaddress: 00:c0:dd:08:63:ea
>       Iface Netdev: unknown
>       Host Number: 21 State: running
> For this I am going to use the one with mac 00:c0:dd:08:63:e8 (iface0)
> ./iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p max -I iface0 -P 1
>      Target: iqn.2001-04.com.max.1
>          Portal:,1
>             Iface Name: iface0
>      Target: iqn.2001-04.com.max.2
>          Portal:,1
>             Iface Name: iface0
>      Target: iqn.2001-04.com.max.3
>          Portal:,1
>             Iface Name: iface0
> Then I will log in:
> ./iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2001-04.com.max.3 -l
> (you can also pass in the portal if you have multiple portals on a
> target and only want to log into one).
> You should then see a error or a login ok message.
> You can then do
> ./iscsiadm -m session -P 3
> to see some values (I also added code to be able to set the segment
> limtis and max r2ts (does qla4xxx firmware support more than 1 btw.
> And then to logout do
> ./iscsiadm -m node T iqn.2001-04.com.max.3 -u
> and you should get a error or a ok message.
> Note that you cannot control sessions that are the persistent in the
> firmware/flash. So if you have targets in FLASH then the iscsiadm logout
> and login commands are not supported. qla4xxx will still log into them
> and find disks so that boot and / work, but you cannot login/logout with
> iscsiadm (you actually can if you have targets setup in FLASH, then load
> the module, then start iscsid, but that is by accident).
> Some questions on qlogic hardware:
> - How do you set CHAP settings for each target?
> - How do you set Data/Header digests settings?
> - Currently for iscsiadm -m disocvery .... you need a seperate NIC. It
> does not go through the card. Is there a way to ask the card to do
> sendtargets and then just have it tell us what targets were found (I do
> not want the card to login).
> Can I just send a discovery session login pdu and sendtargets command in
> a passthrough interface, and then get back raw pdus?

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