> Maybe that's related: With SLES10 SP1 (x86_64) I have two iSCSI LUNs that are 
> reachable over 16 paths each, and the networ connections use two dedicated 
> separate VLANs. As it's a test at the moment, there's only one initiator and 
> two 
> iSCSCI gateways connected to that switch. And there is no traffic (the 
> filesystem 
> is a RAID1 that is not mounted). Still I'm seeing message like this:
> Feb 19 01:39:50 rkdvmso1 iscsid: connection198:0 is operational after 
> recovery (
> 1 attempts)
> Feb 19 07:49:30 rkdvmso1 iscsid: connection215:0 is operational after 
> recovery (
> 1 attempts)
> Feb 19 08:53:15 rkdvmso1 iscsid: connection208:0 is operational after 
> recovery (
> 1 attempts)
> Feb 19 14:09:40 rkdvmso1 iscsid: connection211:0 is operational after 
> recovery (
> 1 attempts)
> Feb 19 19:33:42 rkdvmso1 iscsid: connection220:0 is operational after 
> recovery (
> 1 attempts)
> Feb 20 01:43:56 rkdvmso1 iscsid: connection210:0 is operational after 
> recovery (
> 1 attempts)

It looks as if each path gets bumped. Is there anything related in the target 
around those times? Did you see a pattern over a long time of which path and 
time they are being bumped?

Also, are there any backup being done over that time-frame that would saturate
the switches?

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