On 2 Apr 2009 at 6:34, Gonçalo Borges wrote:

> In conclusion, it seems that at a given time there are attempts to
> access beyond end of device. I don't know who is the guilty guy, if
> the kernel itself if the iscsi framework. Then the ISCSI controller
> start to fail also with IO expired messages.

It might be good to know what scsiinfo (or similar) says about the size of the 
at the start of yout tests. Likewise, show what "fdisk -l" tells about the 
partitions, and finally what "df -k" tells about the capacity of the file 
Then one could compare those sizes to those reported by the kernel. Maybe the 
setup just wrong, and it takes a while until the end of the device is reached.

Then I would start slowly, i.e. with one izone running on one client.

BTW, what do you want to measure: the kernel throughput, the network 
the iSCSI throughput, the controller throughput, or the disk throughput? You 
should have some concrete idea before starting the benchmark. Also with just 12 
disks I see little sense in having that many threads accessign the disk. To 
shorten a lengthy test, it may be advisable to reduce the system memory (iozone 
recommands to create a file size at least three times the amount of RAM, end 
8GB on a local disk takes hours to perform)


> Do you have suggestion of what can I be doing wrong?

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